Opposition asks for immediate Parliament session over talks with banned TTP


Replying to Prime Minister (PM) Imran Khan’s statement concerning banned Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), the opposition necessitated an immediate Parliament session.

PMLN senator Irfan Siddiqui stated that keeping the government communication with TTP is not proper because this is a very delicate national issue. “Negotiations in the Nawaz Sharif tenure were approved by the Parliament,” he added.

He further stated that ex-PM Nawaz Sharif himself had visited Imran Khan’s house and informed him about the particulars of the talks.

He said “Negotiations and general apology for the TTP without taking the nation and parliament into confidence raised many questions. This is a sensitive national issue and keeping secret this matter is highly inappropriate”.

Bukhari said that such stages will create a destructive image of the country at the international level. Prime Minister should inform the parliament about the ongoing talks with the TTP in Afghanistan,” he said.

PPP leader Shazia Marri stated that the PM has also stated that he would pardon the TTP in case of submission, reproving such a big step without taking the parliament into assurance. “What basis and on what terms are negotiations being held with the Taliban,” she asked.

However, Prime Minister Imran Khan said that his government was holding demilitarization talks with some groups of the banned Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP).

“I think some Taliban factions want to talk to the government for peace and reconciliation and we are in contact with some of these factions,” Imran Khan said.

Imran Khan said, “I am not in favor of a military solution to the issues and also hopeful of an agreement, however, talks with the Taliban may not be fruitful, but we are talking.”


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