UAE launches charity campaign in Siberia


The Department of Islamic Affairs and Charitable Activities (IACAD) in Dubai, in cooperation with the UAE Embassy in the Russian Federation, has organised a charitable campaign, during which humanitarian aid was distributed to the needy and poor in the city of Omsk, the administrative centre of Omsk oblast region, Siberia, Russia.

The charity campaign saw the distribution of winter clothing and food to the needy and impoverished. Humanitarian aid was given and distributed in the region’s central mosque, as well as during field visits to some families in their homes, where the people of the district expressed their gratitude and appreciation to IACAD.

The Religious Administration for Muslims of the Russian Federation expressed heartfelt gratitude to those in charge of carrying out the charitable humanitarian initiative, as well as to the UAE Embassy in the Russian Federation, for their help in making it a success.

These initiatives are part of the UAE’s ongoing efforts to provide humanitarian assistance to nations around the world, out of the country’s belief in the principle of cooperation and interdependence.

News Source: Emirates News Agency

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