Dubai International Equestrian Conference kicks off at DWTC


Mariam bint Mohammed Almheiri, Minister of Climate Change and the Environment, underscored that horse racing is not just sports that ‘’we encourage and celebrate”, but an authentic component of the heritage of the UAE and the Arab region.

Mariam Almheiri was speaking yesterday at the inaugural session of the Dubai International Equestrian Conference, which is being held along with the 20th Dubai International Arabian Horse Championship from 17th – 19th March at the Dubai World Trade Centre.

‘’His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President, Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai, inspires us to love horses which has an enduring charm,”

she said.

This year’s conference is being held under the theme ‘A touch of loyalty and gratitude .. Sheikh Hamdan bin Rashid: 50 years of giving to equestrianism‘.

Sheikha Hessa bin Hamdan bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Sheikh Suhail bin Butti Al Maktoum, Executive Director for Sports Development Sector at the General sports Authority, Sheikh Abdullah bin Hamad bin Saif Al Sharqi, President of the Emirates Federation of Body Building and Fitness, and a number senior equestrian officials, attended the opening ceremony.

The conference brings together horse owners and breeders, stables and clubs, businessmen, professional investors, experts, scientists, veterinarians, stylists, feed specialists and others to discuss the latest trends in the equine sports and industry.

News Source: Emirates News Agency

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