Emirati photographer shares five tips for aspiring shutterbugs at SIBF


Sharjah :

Aspiring shutterbugs received invaluable tips from Emirati photographer
Mohammed Ali on how to master the art form and unleash creativity during a
session at the Social Media station at the ongoing 41 st Sharjah International
Book Fair.

Ali shared five tips to master the art form to produce perfect pictures and
videos. He said: “Focus on your passion in photography or videography
because as long as it’s what you love most, it will keep you inspired and
moving forward, thinking outside the box and creating amazing work.”

His second tip focused on lightning, an essential element in photography and
filmmaking. He said that photographers should focus on the source of
lightning, whether external or internal, to ensure it works to the photographers’

“Using Tripods is essential, especially in videography, because it ensures
stability and consistency in the scene,” he continued.

The exposure triangle is fundamental in the field of photography. He said it is
an analogy to explain the main elements that affect the exposure in a

photograph: aperture, shutter speed, and ISO. All three aspects must be in
balance to get a perfectly exposed shot. Mastering how they go together is
fundamental to learning photography or videography.

He added: “My final advice is to pick an exciting idea or project which will keep
photographers inspired and try to excel and unleash their creativity, whether in
filming or photography.

During the session, he shared with the audience online tools and apps that
can be used for editing videos, including Davinci Revolve, Shortcut, and
Lightworks; for photographs, he advised aspiring lensmen to use Adobe
spark, Pixlr, and Stencil.


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