The UAE flag flies high at SIBF 2022 to mark Flag Day


Sharjah :

Joyfully waving miniature flags in their hands, dressed in stoles and caps
sporting the vibrant red, green, white and black colours of the national flag of
the United Arab Emirates, students from across schools in the UAE joined the
celebrations of the UAE Flag Day at the 41 st edition of Sharjah International
Book Fair.

To mark the special occasion of Flag Day on November 03 , the young children
joined SIBF visitors for the flag hoisting ceremony set to the tunes of the
National Anthem at SIBF 2022. A spirit of patriotic fervour enveloped the
festival venue as hundreds of visitors, guests and publishers gathered to watch
the Flag Day celebrations.

Held under the theme ‘Spread the Word’ the Sharjah International Book Fair
(SIBF) is hosting literary events this year, including daily writing workshops,
poetry readings and book signings by renowned authors until November 13,


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