SIBF 2022: Books are therapeutic and affect quality of thinking, say children’s literature experts


Sharjah : In a session titled ‘Children’s Literature and the Future’ at the ongoing 41st edition
of the Sharjah International Book Fair (SIBF 2022), panellists stressed that
children’s literature must reflect the changing environments, pointing out that
youngsters today are flooded with information and need much more than simple
fables to stimulate their brains. 

Emirati writer and critic Dr. Fatima Al-Ma’amari discussed ways to stimulate
young minds on intellectual, emotional and psychological levels. “Kids today can
be anything they want, but this often leaves them confused. In a world flooded
with information, children’s literature must help kids make the right choices,” she

“The artistic mind of a child is very important. We need to address the issues

affecting the youngsters through more appealing literature, both visual and verbal
content,” she added.

Rama Kanawati, journalist and children’s literature author, said there is a
huge gap between ideas presented in children’s literature and the realities they live
in. “Young minds need much more than simple storytelling to match their
imaginations. Globalisation and technological revolution have taken away the
curiosity of information from the younger generation. Today’s reality is much
different than what is depicted in children’s books. The mindsets of kids’ are
evolving with more choices, and the books need to address these changes,” she


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