How Secure is Your Password?


Sharjah : We live in a world where young children need to create internet accounts to
access the World Wide Web, for almost all of their entertainment as well as
educational needs. The digital security workshop at the ongoing 12-day Sharjah
International Book Fair, is teaching teenagers, 16 and above, how to create
hack-proof passwords.

“In this workshop, we are tackling a very challenging problem of cyber security.
Not only do teenagers get introduced to cyber security terminology, they learn
how to make a secure password and even get to try our simulation tool to see
how cyber-attacks actually happen in real life,” says Baraa Al Jilani, COO of
Fun Robotics.

Since teenagers usually prefer a more hands on approach to figure things for
themselves, each 45-minute session has been specifically designed using
graphic interface as well as stimulating videos, to show the teens how attacks
take place and then challenge them to try and resolve it.

Excited after his session, student Ahmed Fawaz said he learnt hackers usually
use the English dictionary to make word combinations and crack passwords.

“Having this knowledge can help them from the age of 12 right until they are
adults. They can even teach their parents and grandparents,” adds Al Jilani.


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