Mosques in Dubai to host special prayers due to partial solar eclipse in UAE


The celestial spectacle is expected to start at 2.42 pm and end at 4.54 pm

Mosques across Dubai will host special prayers as a partial solar eclipse casts the moon’s shadow on Earth. The Islamic Affairs and Charitable Activities Department (IACAD) – Dubai posted on social media that the prayers will be held right after the Asr (evening) prayer on October 25.

2022’s last partial solar eclipse will be visible in the UAE for two hours.

Known as ‘Kusoof’, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) used to offer special prayers during solar or lunar eclipses. Muslims believe that eclipses serve as a divine reminder to be righteous.

Authorities in the UAE had earlier said that the eclipse prayer is obligatory for every mukallaf (sane mature person).

‘Kusoof’ is slightly different from the five obligatory prayers Muslims offer daily. A call for prayer is not given before it is offered. During the two-rakat prayer, the recitation of the holy Quran and the time spent bowing and prostrating will be longer than usual.

On Tuesday, October 25, Imams across Dubai will lead people in prayer after Asr as the eclipse peaks.

Ibrahim Al Jarwan, chairman of the Board of Directors of the Emirates Astronomy Society and member of the Arab Federation for Astronomy and Space Sciences, said the 40 percent partial eclipse will be visible between 3 pm and 5 pm.

A partial solar eclipse is a rare event that occurs when the moon comes between the sun and the earth. As the name suggests, the moon only partially covers the sun’s disk.

“During a partial solar eclipse, the moon, sun, and earth don’t align in a perfectly straight line, and the moon casts only the outer part of its shadow — the penumbra — on Earth. From our perspective, this looks like the moon has taken a bite out of the sun,”

the Dubai Astronomy Group had said earlier.

The celestial spectacle is expected to start at 2.42 pm and end at 4.54 pm. The maximum eclipse will happen at 3.52 pm local time.

News Source: Khaleej Times

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