“SCRF 2022 helps break complexities of chemistry and biology for middle school students with fun, engaging workshops”


It was a great day of fun and learning for hundreds of school students visiting the Sharjah Children’s Reading Festival (SCRF 2022) on Thursday as they delved deep into the practical applications of science.

From workshops on how to make flying objects using everyday materials to those on understanding density using water and oil, young visitors had a range of activities to choose from to pique their diverse interests.  

“Our endeavour is to blend science with games we played growing up so the whole exercise becomes not just interactive but also engaging for the young minds,” said workshop instructor Sarah Mezher from Room 94, the Beirut-based art and craft group that’s conducting a series of workshops throughout the 12-day festival with a focus on everyday science.

One of her sessions called ‘Let’s Fly’ will teach six- to 10-year-olds at SCRF the art of creating various flying games like kites, landing umbrellas and small helicopters. 

‘SCRF 2022 is a fun classroom’

Eight-year-old Mohammed Eissa who used a foam cup, tape and a balloon to design a catapult that would launch soft, fluffy pellets into air, said: “It was a fun classroom. I really enjoyed making the flying object with my own hands and I want to take it home with me.”

“It was almost like launching a rocket. I am so excited to make it all from scratch to finish,” said Eissa’s schoolmate Mohammed Rashid, 7.

Similar workshops are being conducted throughout the festival – taking place at Expo Centre Sharjah – by Pate D’Asso, another Beirut-based company specialising in teaching children the practical applications of modern science.

“We especially want middle school students to spend more time thinking about and engaging with science, especially chemistry and biology, and so we have devised a series of workshops to make it a fun learning for them,” said Sally Daoud, an agricultural engineer from the Lebanese capital, who will be helping break down the complexities of chemistry and biology for 10- to 12-year-olds visiting SCRF through an exciting mix of eight workshops on topics like building a food battery and a digestive system model.


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