SCRF 2022 resonates with the timeless appeal of superheroes and classic literature


As the magical power of books and reading unfolds in the UAE with the opening of the 13 th Sharjah
Children’s Reading Festival (SCRF) at Expo Centre Sharjah, children of all ages – adults included – are
gearing up to step into a universe of unparalleled creative imagination with a vast expanse of books from
15 countries around the world.
From board books, interactive and picture books for toddlers to folklore, fairytales and new-age fantasy
writing for young adults, SCRF 2022 offers a beautifully varied reading experience to readers. Fiction and
new-age writing, horror, mystery, and science fiction continue to enthrall and develop imaginations while
books that explore STEM and language concepts are making learning fun and enhancing critical thinking
Fancy a superhero book where your child is the hero? Head to Hekayati in Hall 4 to get a customisable
book in Arabic or English and discover how to make your child feel special by becoming the hero of books
that explore adventures in space, the oceans, and on the sports arena. Titles like Sophia on a Space
Mission, Arjun – What Will You Be?, and Ahmed Elali: The Football Star also aptly celebrate the diversity
of cultures in the UAE.
Iraq’s Masabeeh Publications, on the other hand, is targeting three key aspects of early childhood
development with Floof and Friends – an educational flashcard game that aims to develop cognitive
perception, emotional intelligence, and social skillsets through structured play.
The enduring popularity of board games holds sway at SCRF 2022 where fun, clever, portable games for
the entire family and sophisticated strategy games for 2 players or more make a formidable presence at
Back to Games General Trading in Hall 6. Choices abound from the best-selling Dobble or Spot It! to
story cubes, award-winning Hive Carbon and action-packed, ultra-fast Happy Salmon.
Puzzles of all sizes and shapes can be picked up at several stands, and in keeping with the times, look
out for Virus, described as “the most contagious card game” and Pandemic, where every player must
work together to find cures for four deadly diseases. In a novel twist, all players win or lose together – as
they try to save humanity!
The festival runs until May 22, and along with all these attractions from publishers, it also offers more than
1,900 cultural and creative activities that can be enjoyed by children for free.


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