Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis celebrate as fundraiser hits goal


Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis have hit their $30million target (Picture: Rex)

Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis have celebrated as their Ukraine fundraiser has reached its $30million (£22million) target in just two weeks.

The 38-year-old actress, who was born in the Ukraine but moved to the United States as a child, and her husband launched a GoFundMe page to support the country in early March.

Taking to Instagram, the couple shared a video in which they said: ‘We just wanted to say, we’ve hit our goal.’

‘Over $30million dollars raised. Over 65,000 of you donated. We are overwhelmed with gratitude for your support.

‘And while this is far from solving the problem, our collective effort will provide a softer landing for so many people as they forge ahead into their future of uncertainty.’

Ashton then added: ‘Our work is not done. We’re going to make sure that the outpouring of love that came from you all as a part of this campaign finds the maximum impact with those in need.’

He continued: ‘As funding continues to come in we’re going to treat every dollar as if it’s being donated out of our pocket.

‘With respect and honour for the work that went into earning it, with the intent of love through which it was given, and the desire for it to be maximised with positive outcome for others.’

Mila continued: ‘We again want to say thank you so much for your continued support, please don’t stop donating whether to us or to other unbelievable foundations out there.

‘This is just a beginning to a very, very, very, very long journey.’

On Saturday, Mila urged the world not to see Russian people as ‘the enemy’.

Speaking on Maria Shriver’s digital series, she said:‘I don’t think that we need to consider the people of Russia an enemy.

‘I do really want to emphasise that. I don’t think that that’s being said enough in the press.’

The 38-year-old continued, stating that she believes there is ‘now an “if you’re not with us, you’re against us” mentality’.

‘And I don’t want people to conflate the two problems that are happening. I don’t think it’s the people of Russia, so I don’t want there to be a thing of all Russians are horrible human beings,’ she said.

‘I don’t want that to be the rhetoric. I do encourage people to look at it from the perspective of, it’s the people in power, not the people themselves.’

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