Brand New Cherry Flavor: Kitten sex scene ‘scars’ viewers for life


People are saying their lives will never be the same again after skipping to episode 4 of Brand New Cherry Flavor (Picture: Netflix)

You might not have heard of the Netflix horror Brand New Cherry Flavor, but thanks to a new TikTok fad people across the world are sharing their reactions to what could well be the most bizarre sex scene ever.

Seriously, Game of Thrones has absolutely nothing on this.

Brand New Cherry Flavor launched on Netflix last summer but is only really getting attention now after someone brought a ‘messed up’ sex scene to the attention of social media.

The show follows a filmmaker called Lisa (Rosa Salazar) who moves to Hollywood and meets producer Lou (Eric Lange).

After convincing Lisa he can help her break into the business, Lou turns out to be a wrong’un so Lisa takes the next natural step and hires a witch to curse him.

However, she eventually starts to feel side-effects from said curse and starts to vomit kittens.

It gets weirder. Really.

Catherine Keneer stars as the witch (Picture: Netflix)

In episode four (35 minutes in) the moment which ‘scarred people for life’ sees Lisa invite her lover Roy (Jeff Ward) over, but before he arrives she gets a wound on her stomach and another kitten pops out of it.

Undeterred by the kitten-producing gash across Lisa’s stomach, Roy sticks his whole hand right in there and they both get very turned on. So much so he throws her on the bed and have what then looks like fairly normal consensual sex, considering the foreplay.

TikTok user Cody was among the first to flag the horror on TikTok and urged others to share their blind reactions.

However, most just instantly regretted coming across the scene at all, fearing they will never be the same again.

‘I should’ve just minded my business 💀 I miss the person I was 4 minutes ago,’ wrote one disgusted spectator while another warned others: ‘DO NOT WATCH! I repeat DO NOT WATCH!! Why the heck was it moist!!!! And the sound.’

Someone else vowed never to do ‘anything anyone tells me to do on TikTok ever again’.

Against out judgement, Brand New Cherry Flavor actually has a respectable 78 percent rating on Rotten Tomatoes with some fans actually claiming it gets ‘quite good’.

We’ll take your word for it.

Brand New Cherry Flavor is available to stream on Netflix.

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