SIBF 2021: Do self-help books make you into a better version of yourself


Books in the self-help genre are wooing readers at the milestone 40th Sharjah International Book Fair (SIBF), where popular crowd favourites include books that touch upon aspects of health – both mental and physical. The surging interest in the expansive genre also begs the question, ‘Do self-help books help you become a better version of yourself?’

Bibliophiles at SIBF 2021 say that self-help books are an excellent way to attain good health and ensure wellbeing.

Sanya Alobaidly, an avid Emirati reader, said that self-help books have helped her improve both her physical diet as well as mental health. “I tend to buy a lot of books in this genre, and I have experienced positive results such as a better sleep cycle and improved mental health. I highly recommend The 5 AM Club by Robin Sharma which offers a revolutionary morning routine that helps maximise productivity.”

Ibrahim Qayed, an Emirati visitor at SIBF 2021, says that research articles and psychological articles are a better bet for mental health as opposed to self-help books.

Popular categories at SIBF 2021 under the self-help genre include books related to healthy eating, better mental health, stress reduction, and attaining inner peace.

Anuradha Emalathikudian, who recommends turning to books on spiritualitysaid: “Self-help books provides instructions and activities to help us in our daily lives. With the fast pace of life, people are increasingly tense and stressed. Many are restless too, hopping from one task to another as they cannot stay calm. These books are essential as it teaches us how to destress and relax.”  

Anjana Mathankumar, a practicing therapist, said that books, in general, have excellent healing power. Commenting on how she incorporates yoga and meditation in her daily routine which began with her passion for reading, Mathankumar said, “As a therapist, it is my job to focus on the mental health of my clients. The knowledge I receive from these books enables me to apply different approaches for my clients, as every individual is unique. Different authors have different perspectives, and these books broaden my understanding of how the mind works and allows me to suggest various mindfulness techniques for my clients.”

The general consensus is that self-help books help achieve holistic well-being if one consciously applies its messages or teachings. According to Vinod Kumar, a publisher participating at SIBF 2021, there has been a spike in interest for books that deal with anxiety and healthy eating. “Mental wellbeing is a topic that concerns readers across nationalities, and on the health front, a popular favourite is Eat Right for your Type.”

SIBF 2021, which is home to over 15 million books, has a lot more than self-help on offer. Find out for yourself before November 13 when the ongoing edition concludes. Entry to the book fair, taking place in Expo Centre Sharjah, is free and open to all.


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