8th Sharjah International Library Conference to focus on new
technologies, skills and services that will shape the sector’s future


Librarians from the region as well as around the world will convene at the eighth edition of the Sharjah
International Library Conference (SILC) to be held in collaboration with the American Library Association
(ALA) from November 9-11. The annual conference will discuss new trends and technologies, establish
collaborations and networks, enhance leadership skills, and develop and promote new services for their
respective communities.
Sharjah Book Authority (SBA) has announced that the Preconference Workshops and the two-day
conference agenda will take place in a hybrid format on the sidelines of the 2021 edition of the Sharjah
International Book Fair (SIBF) at Expo Centre Sharjah, offering both in-person learning and networking
experiences alongside the opportunity to participate virtually.
Individuals and organisations keen on participating in the educational conference agenda can register at
the Librarians’ Lounge at the lobby of Expo Centre, Sharjah, or register online at sibfala
HE Ahmed Al Ameri, chairman of SBA, said: “Libraries are critical infrastructure in the cultural and
educational ecosystem. Sharjah’s dedication to developing libraries and expanding their expertise
through such key events to remain on top of the rapidly evolving library and information sciences aligns
with its objectives to promote a knowledge-based society. At the same time, it seeks to empower
librarians through professional programming that facilitates the adoption of new tools and strategies to
remain relevant to the young generations and aid them in their quest for knowledge.”
“The conference emphasises the effectiveness of collaboration between cultural entities around the world,
and offers a unique opportunity to learn from the expertise and experiences of global publishing industry
professionals. We are certain that SILC, in collaboration with ALA, will provide a crucial platform for
developing strategies that will not only ensure a sustainable future for libraries, but also contribute
effectively to the development projects in the UAE and the world,” he added.

For his part, Mansour Al Hassani, Head of Sales Department at SBA and General Coordinator of the
SILC, said that this year’s edition of the conference will see the participation of experts from the world’s
leading libraries and serve as a window into the future for librarians across the Arab region. He noted that
the event being held after a pandemic that had been a pivotal time for libraries and the communities they
served, would play a key role in sharing outcomes and best practices that would help entities face such
challenges in future.

International roster of experts for two-day Conference programme
On November 10, the 8th edition of SILC will kick off with a welcome address by HE Ahmed bin Rakkad
Al Ameri, Chairman of SBA, followed by an opening keynote by Dr. Carla Hayden, Librarian of Congress,
who is the first woman and the first African American to lead the national library of the United States.
Dr. Hassan A. Alsereihy, Department of Information Science, King Abdulaziz University in Saudi Arabia,
and President of the Arab Federation for Libraries & Information (AFLI), will facilitate a discussion on
‘Libraries in the MENA Region During Covid and Beyond’; Dr. Huda Abbas, Director of Library and
Research, King’s Academy, Jordan, will discuss ways of ‘Helping Students Cope and Recover through
Bibliotherapy’; and Tracie Hall, Executive Director, American Library Association will lead the session
titled “..Go Together!” — The Critical Role of Libraries in Fostering Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion
and Closing the Information and Digital Divide.
Recipient of the 2021 School Librarian of the Year Award, organised by the Emirates Literature
Foundation, Sonia Alnahawi, will discuss how to create successful school library programmes in School
Librarians of the Year: Sharing Stories, Lessons, and Keys to Successes.
Stuart Hamilton, Head of Libraries Development at the Local Government Management Agency, Ireland,
will present Libraries and Skill Audits to identify the gaps in knowledge and set out a road map for
Serving the Visually Impaired will be led by Dr. Fatma Elzahraa Mohamed Abdo, Library and Assistive
Technology consultant, American University in Cairo, Egypt; while Cataloging in Arabic with the new
RDA by Rania Osman, Head of Library of the Future Section, Innovation, Research, and Technology
Directorate, Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Egypt, will enhance participants’ cataloguing skills.
Kara Jones, University Librarian, American University of Sharjah, will delve into the concept of Library as
Place and Space: Adjusting during Covid and Beyond; while Abeer Al Kuwari, Director, Research &
Learning Services, Qatar National Library, will share strategies for engaging with the community in Public
Engagement During the Pandemic: Challenges and Opportunities.
Day 2 highlights
Amongst the highlights of the conference agenda on Day 2 is a keynote address by Patty Wong, ALA
President Director, Santa Monica Public Library, California, USA, while at the Knowledge Café,
registered participants will have the opportunity for one-on-one as well as group discussions with experts
and colleagues on the different issues and challenges going on in libraries.
The conference agenda on November 11 begins with a session by Michael Stöpel,

User Services Librarian for the American University of Paris, on Faculty-Librarian Collaborations:
Integrating the Information Literacy Framework into Disciplinary Courses.
Kadijah Ali Al-Saeed, School Librarian, Nadeen International School, Bahrain, will offer unique
perspectives on Creating Globally Aware Students to Face the Challenges Ahead; Mohamed
Farghaly, Technical Technical Services, King Abdulaziz Center for World Culture, Ithra Library, Saudi
Aramco, KSA, will lead a session titled: Public e-Library Challenges and Initiatives: Ithra Library
Practical Experience; and Rebecca L. Mugridge, Dean of University Libraries, University at Albany, New
York, will spotlight successful initiatives in Telling the Technical Services Story: Communicating
Salma Alrezaiqi, Branch Libraries Manager, Abu Dhabi Department for Culture and Tourism, and Juma Al
Dhaheri, Manager Zayed Central Library in Al Ain, Department of Culture and Tourism, will discuss
proactive approaches and the importance of how Strategic Partnerships Move Libraries Forward;
while Julius Jefferson, Jr., Immediate Past-President, ALA, will share his views on Government Libraries

  • Vital Resources.
    Amed Demirhan, General Manager/Director Barzani National Memorial Erbil, Kurdistan Federal Region,
    Iraq, and Ryder Kouba, Librarian and Archivist, American Center of Oriental Research (ACOR), Amman,
    Jordan, will co-present procedures and tools for Digitising Your Valuable Collections for the World:
    Creating, Teaching, and Promoting Heritage and Community Collections.
    Interactive pre-conference workshops to improve library services
    In the lead up to the two-day Sharjah International Library Conference, two Pre-conference Workshops
    will be held on Tuesday, November 9, from 9am to 4pm.
    The interactive workshop, Project Outcome for Academic and Research Libraries: Measuring the
    True Value of Your Library, will enable all librarians, library staff, and library administrators identify
    challenges and effective means of implementing outcome measurement to improve library services and
    advocacy and will be led by Tiffany Garrett, Assistant Library Director, Nevada State College Member of
    ACRL Project Outcome Editorial Board.
    Facilitated by Sherine Eid, Head of International Library Projects Unit, Library Sector at Bibliotheca
    Alexandrina, Egypt, the second workshop titled, How to Successfully Market Your Library, will build on
    and elaborate various marketing concepts and applications for libraries to reach out and connect with
    their communities and authorities in new ways.


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