Here is why ‘Black Holes’ are the most dangerous thing in the universe


Black Holes are the scariest thing universe has to offer. Black holes are the area in the space where gravitational force is subsequently stronger and nothing can escape from it.

Black holes are frightening for basic three reasons:

A black hole is left when a star dies and anything that falls into it would be ragged.

The massive black holes are present at the centre of all galaxies and have limitless capabilities to dissolve anything that falls into it.

All the laws of physics are demolished in Black holes.

Black holes are formed when an enormous star dies. The properties of the normal star permit the astronomers to conclude the properties of a black hole.

Enormous black holes are hazardous in two ways. If you get too close, the immense gravitational force will suck you in.

Bigger galaxies have bigger black holes. Nothing can escape Black holes, even the light is absorbed.

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