AU conducts counter-terrorism training for Somali police officers


MOGADISHU — The African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) said it has kicked off a training program to improve the capacity of the Somali police officers to combat terrorism.

The training organized by the AMISOM police component will guide the officers of the South West State Police on how to prevent terrorist acts, exchange information, search and extradite terror suspects.

Bisong Ejue, acting AMISOM police coordinating officer in Baidoa, said fighting terrorism and protecting communities continues to be an absolute priority.

“Especially ahead of and post elections, training programs such as these are important to the Somali Police Force,” Ejue said in a statement issued on Wednesday evening.

About 25 police officers from various police stations across the South West State are attending the training in Baidoa of the state.

Amin Mohamed Osman, Bay Regional Police Commander, said the course would enhance the capacity of South West Police to fight terrorism in the state.

“In general, the training is about combating terrorism and the role the community can play through vigilance. The main focus of the training is how the police and the community can collaborate to combat terrorism,” said Osman.

Hassan Mohammed, a trainee, said it would support efforts to address terrorism, which remains Somalia’s biggest challenge.

“We hope to benefit a lot from the training on how to protect our community, our environment and our government,” said Mohammed.

AMISOM police component is mandated to train, mentor, and advise the Somali police force to help transform it into a credible and effective force comparable to global policing standards.

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