Pakistani, Chinese youth play football match to celebrate Pak-China diplomatic ties


BEIJING, Oct 12 (APP):The 2021 China-Pakistan Youth Soccer Dream Match was played between Pakistani and Chinese youth here on Tuesday to commemorate 70th anniversary of establishment of diplomatic relations between Pakistan and China.

Teams from Pakistan Embassy College Beijing and the U-14 professional echelon of Beijing Guoan Football Club participated in the event held at the Embassy of Pakistan.

The event was jointly organized by the Embassy of Pakistan, the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries and the China Friendship Foundation for Peace and Development.

Speaking at the occasion, Pakistan Ambassador Moinul Haque thanked the team for their participation in this friendship sporting event.

He expressed the hope that these activities would promote people to people contacts and further deepen the understanding amongst the young people from the two countries.

In his remarks, Secretary General of the China Friendship Foundation for Peace and Development, Wang Longshe extended warm congratulations to the two countries on the 70th anniversary of their diplomatic relations.

He said that China and Pakistan have become all weather strategic cooperative partners sharing weal and woe. The cooperation between the two countries in all fields is deepening and growing steadily. We look forward to promote soccer in both countries.

While expressing her thoughts, Executive Vice Director of China Urban Development Alliance, Cultural and Economic Development Center, Miss Jiang Yu said that this match would help popularize football in the two countries as well as promote people to people contacts and enhance understanding among young people.

At the end, Ambassador distributed the prizes to the winning team along with a letter of appreciation to the organizing committee. A cake was also cut to celebrate the 70th anniversary of diplomatic relations.

Deputy Head of Mission, Ahmad Farooq, Minister community Welfare, Ijaz Ahmed, Director of the China Friendship Foundation for Peace and Development, Yang Gang, Director of the Youth Aesthetic Education and Sports Special Fund of the Chinese Children’s Care Association, Guo Zhigang, Secretary General of the Organizing Committee of the International Friendship City Youth Football Match, Miss Xu Limin and Principal of PECB Ms Shazia Amjad attended the event.

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